Friday, January 26, 2024

Now before you start reading this. I don't want you to come with your preconceived notions that if somebody says that love is dead, then they been hurt. Or done wrong in some weird way. This is clearly just in observation of what's going on right now in the dating ground. So from where I sit, I see so many trust issues. So many insecurities is so muchNow before you start reading this. I don't want you to come with your preconceived notions that if somebody says that love is dead, then they been hurt. Or done wrong in some weird way. This is clearly just in observation of what's going on right now in the dating ground. So from where I sit, I see so many trust issues. So many insecurities is so much. Of a he for validation. The majority of this is due to people being done wrong in relationships unfortunately. They end up taking all of that baggage into their new relationship only to go through it all over again. The psycho goes like this a person gets in a relationship. The relationship fails for whatever reason. Then the person gets into a new relationship with all of the bad history, creating new problems in that new relationship that fails and the system just repeats and repeats. I think the biggest thing or the biggest contributor is the simple fact that people get told whatever relationship should be like when I believe there is no such thing. There is no guy book to the perfect relationship. Because the perfect relationship doesn't exist That's why you have so many single people in the first place. Because if they're relationship doesn't resemble. That of what they've heard is perfect. Then they simply think that they ought to keep looking So what the first ounce of this comfort or uncertainty? The average person doesn't have the ability to work through. Whatever that stimulus is instead, they would rather jump back into the dating world. Thinking that there's something better Nada doesn't mean if you're in a bad relationship that you should simply stay. Let's not what I mean what I mean is. Don't be so blinded to take for granted what you have in front of you Love is not some magical miracle drug. Love is our human Desire for companion shoot and replication humans were not designed to deal with heartbreak Because nobody got together for love they got together to. Replicate